intelligent UX: ai assistent for executives

intelligent UX: ai assistent for executives



FORA’s platform aimed to transform the organization's extensive array of conversations, meetings, and documents into a structured framework, enabling employees to take decisive actions effectively. My role as a UX designer involved analyzing Fora's UX problems during its growth phase and devising effective solutions for improvement.




Nov 2023 - Dec 2023

My role

My role

My role

UX Designer




Heuristic evaluation, wireframes, design exploration




2 Product Designers, 1 Product Manager, 1 Front-end, 5 Back-end Developers and QA Engineers



User needs

As a busy executive, I need to quickly understand important information from my company, so that I canmake smart decisions and connect better with my team.

As a busy executive, I need to quickly understand important information from my company, so that I canmake smart decisions and connect better with my team.

As a busy executive, I need to quickly understand important information from my company, so that I canmake smart decisions and connect better with my team.

User problems

Executives struggle to make timely decisions due to information overload.

Executives struggle to make timely decisions due to information overload.

Executives struggle to make timely decisions due to information overload.



Our goal was to design a user-friendly interface with smart features to help executives to make faster, better decisions for the company's future.

Our goal was to design a user-friendly interface with smart features to help executives to make faster, better decisions for the company's future.

Our goal was to design a user-friendly interface with smart features to help executives to make faster, better decisions for the company's future.



We developed a timeline for heuristic evaluation and design iteration:

user behavior flow

user behavior flow

I used a customer journey map to understand how users interact with Fora. It helps us see what works and what doesn't, showing where users might drop off and why. This helps us improve the overall user experience.

I used a customer journey map to understand how users interact with Fora. It helps us see what works and what doesn't, showing where users might drop off and why. This helps us improve the overall user experience.

I used a customer journey map to understand how users interact with Fora. It helps us see what works and what doesn't, showing where users might drop off and why. This helps us improve the overall user experience.

heuristic evaluation

heuristic evaluation

In my review process of the Fora platform, I used Jakob Nielsen's 10 heuristics that are proven to be reliable in UX evaluation. Here some examples of my evaluation:

Consistency and standards

Users should not have to wonder whether different words, situations, or actions mean the same thing. Follow platform conventions.



Help users recognize, diagnose, and recover from errors

When a Fora-enabled meeting is interrupted, the system should clearly communicate the issue in plain language and offer simple, actionable solutions. I proposed to notify the user about the interruption or stoppage of the meeting: 1) send a message via email; 2) send notification in app.

Aesthetic and minimalist design

Given the limited screen space on mobile devices, the table redesign should focus on presenting only the most essential information in a clean, uncluttered manner.





Cost savings

Cost savings

Cost savings

User support tickets decrease from 200 per month to 80 per month, a 60% reduction

Fora raised $3.8 million in the latest seed funding round from Converge

and 4 other investors, signifiying a strong investor belief in Fora's potential to transform the way professionals manage and gain value from meetings.

Fora raised $3.8 million in the latest seed funding round from Converge

and 4 other investors, signifiying a strong investor belief in Fora's potential to transform the way professionals manage and gain value from meetings.

Fora raised $3.8 million in the latest seed funding round from Converge

and 4 other investors, signifiying a strong investor belief in Fora's potential to transform the way professionals manage and gain value from meetings.



A product will never be 'finished'. The most essential thing to remember about UX design is its fluidity. As your startup and product scale, as your users grow, technology, science, and trends evolve, so will your product.

A product will never be 'finished'. The most essential thing to remember about UX design is its fluidity. As your startup and product scale, as your users grow, technology, science, and trends evolve, so will your product.

A product will never be 'finished'. The most essential thing to remember about UX design is its fluidity. As your startup and product scale, as your users grow, technology, science, and trends evolve, so will your product.

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